-Exhibition “WHO IS THERE?” + performance + workshop

The exhibition includes works form 27 contemporary artists from different parts and countries of the world, with different means of expression, ages and techniques. These works are concerned with the notion of time and of the person today, not as a thematic depiction, but rather, as an active inquiry in the substance of the reasoning behind the work itself. Who is here? is an essential question which places the work of art in relation with the space and the way it appears, is presented or is revealed in it.

Even though the Biennale’s main theme is heterotopias, the inquiry here, with the works being presented in the museum, is a deviation from the dimension of space. This questioning precedes or even outruns space; it asks where, when, who, regarding here. Here is not the space of the other nor is it a space of identity, it isn’t even a heterotopia, but rather, a prerequisite of the space where the person converges with time in space. Through this inquiry, the Shakespearean question, who is here? is confronted by the area of the visual arts beyond theatre itself, by the roles and their interpretations, beyond the conventions of a social fragmentation of the roles, of persons and objects; it orchestrates the endless series of questions and question marks defined by presence and absence through the broader dimension of time today and through the ever narrowing substance of the person in today’s social, cultural and artistic reality, both by language and linguistics, existentiality and  experience.

A series of events such as a discussion-round table and a workshop-performance with actors and visual artists is taking place within the framework of this exhibition.

Curated by: Dennis Zacharopoulos, Artistic Director of the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art

Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art -Eptapyrgio
25/05 - end of July 2007
 Main Programme
 Parallel Programme
 Concurrent Programme


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