-Guest Artist-Leda Papaconstantinou: "In the Name of"

A piece which is composed by a number of successive and planned events that take place in the urban areas of both cities of Thessaloniki and Athens, and the tranquil and protected areas of Thessaloniki’s foreign cemeteries which date back to World War I. Leda Papakonstantinou, who is the guest artist of the 1st Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, is going to present her innovative work of art to the public in September at the Port of Thessaloniki (Pier A, behind the Warehouse B1), with the title “In the name of”.
A camera lens is following and recording the artist’s movements and her coincidental or intended meetings with the people who permanently live and work in such places as also with people who sporadically pass through. The pious approach to the tombstones and the placement of personal objects by the artist is dedicated to the people who died in the battlefields or they perished from diseases in the military hospitals. The images of the dead cities are reflected during the night on the sea water in a ritual process of purification.
Syrago Tsiara, the curator of this particular work explains that, “Leda Papaconstantinou’s piece also attempts to examine the historic relations that where developed in the past under hostile circumstances and they are nowadays developed under the pressure of the insuperable need for survival, differentiating at the same time the social and the cultural synthesis of the Greek cities.

Curated by: Syrago Tsiara

Duration: 22/9 - 4/10, 21:00-02:00

The screening of the work "In the name of" will continue on 11/10 untill 11/11 at the Centre of Contemporary Art Thessaloniki, Warehouse B1 (Monday-Sunday: 10:0-14:00 and 18:00-22:00)

Thessaloniki Port Area
September 2007
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