Alatza Imaret

Artemis Potamianou
The Second Papers, installation, 2006 
The Second Papers, installation, 2006 
The Second Papers, installation, 2006 

In the Second Papers installations, 12 copies-effigies, works of art that are considered to be landmarks of the 20th century History of Art, produce an illusionary memory museum, a temple of Art. This work is about a space of artistic activity in where the fulfilment of the collection of the works of art that have been chosen is not intending to be proved, but on the contrary what is aiming to achieve is for an open dialogue to emerge based on the interrelations of the present and the absent works of art.
The strings that run across the space referred to Marcel Duchamp’s First Papers of Surrealism, prevent the viewer’s entrance, creating an impassable, marking and describing the tracks in the memory of art.
Questions raised concerning the artist’s identity, his activities as a collector and a curator, as also questions about the value of the art object whose authenticity is disputed when the ‘memory’ that raises to the viewer the copy of the ready made emerges as being superior than the authenticity of the work of art.
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