Thermi Municipality / Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

Barbad Golshiri
 Artists's biography
A Memorial for Potassium Suppository, installation 
A Memorial for Potassium Suppository, installation 
A Memorial for Potassium Suppository, installation 


What to tell you about myself? I am not stiff, I have ... I don't know what. Bromide of potassium has calmed me and given me eczema on the middle of my forehead.
Gustave Flaubert (French writer)

Since it is still winter, look here, let me go quietly on with my work; if it is that of a madman, well, so much
the worse. I can't help it. However, the unbearable hallucinations have ceased, and are now getting reduced to
a simple nightmare, in consequence of my taking bromide of potassium, I think.
Vincent van Gogh (Dutch painter)

"... probably Potassium Cyanide. It acts pretty well instantaneously." The judge said sharply.
Agatha Christie (English writer)

And once Saeedi Sirjani had a sudden desire of tahini. I searched south of Tehran for an hour or two to satisfy
my master. Tahini caused him a bad constipation. Another night, we took him to another house of the
intelligence service. Master was suffering from flatulence, groaning. One of the Brothers gave me a
suppository. The old man took it in the toilet. When he came back his face was sombre and sweaty. It was a
few moments later that we heard a sudden cry. Saeedi was jumping up and down. Some were clapping and
laughing, some singing a song, accompanying Saeedi's dance. Potassium suppository did its best. We took a
photo with his extinguished body.
?, (Iranian intelligence service agent)

May 18. I have just come from consulting my medical man, for I could no longer get any sleep. He found that
 my pulse was high, my eyes dilated, my nerves highly strung, but no alarming symptoms. I must have a
course of shower baths and of bromide of potassium. 
Guy de Maupassant (French writer)

Try bromide of potassium, "John said". "It's very soothing in twenty grain doses…"
Arthur Conan Doyle (English writer)
the first drug injected is sodium thiopental, a barbiturate; then 100 milligrams pavulon, mus- cle relaxant;
potassium chloride to speed the process of death. ..."
Joyce Carol Oates (American writer)

What to tell you about myself? I am not stiff, I have ... I don't know what. Bromide of potassium has calmed
me and given me eczema on the middle of my forehead.
Gustave Flaubert (French writer)

He arose at the crack of dawn, when he began to take his secret medicines: potassium bromide to raise his
spirits, salicylates for the ache in his bones when it rained, ergosterol drops for vertigo, belladonna for sound
sleep. He took something every hour, always in secret, because in his long life as a doctor and teacher he had
always opposed prescribing palliatives for old age: it was easier for him to bear other people's pains than his
own. In his pocket he always carried a little pad of camphor that he inhaled deeply when no one was watching
to calm his fear of so many medicines mixed together.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colombian writer)

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